Time Affluence - What Is It And How To Get It?

Time is money, or so the saying goes. So why is it that earning more doesn’t mean you have more time?

It could be because we are constantly striving for more. It could be that we traded our time for those extra earnings. Or it could be a phenomenon known as “time poverty”.

“Time Poverty” is defined as the chronic feeling of having too many things to do and not enough time in which to do them.

It really is baffling that we are searching for more time given all of the technological advancements, delivery services, and the ability to outsource household tasks like cleaning and maintenance.

But as you very well know, the more support we bring on, the higher expectations we have in regards to how much we “should” be able to do.

So what is the opposite of “time poverty” you ask? “Time affluence”.

Time affluence is defined as the feeling that we have ample time available, to relax, to savor life’s pleasures, and to nurture relationships that matter to us.

Researchers exploring the concept of time affluence have encountered some interesting findings (source):

  • Even after controlling for material wealth as a possible factor, the individual’s sense of time affluence was linked to greater happiness.

  • People who reported close relationships generally experienced greater time affluence than others.

  • Having a sense of time affluence is beneficial for our mental health, physical health, and relationships with family members and friends.

All of this makes sense logistically, but for some reason, so many of us are not in the practice of seeking time affluence in the same ways we work towards monetary reward.

Here are a few ways you can begin to prioritize and create Time Affluence for yourself:

  • Create “white space” in your calendar (and resist the urge to fill it)

  • Step away from the screen, particularly at the end of your day

  • Be aware of tasks that drain your energy and minimize those as best you can

  • Remove the “should dos” from your to do lists

  • Remember to breathe, or even set reminders for deep breaths during your day

  • Set boundaries for time for rest and protect them at all costs

  • Do not give your time to people who don’t value it



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